200 BOOKS - Cartography - Map Scale Legend Topography Compass Projection- CD/DVD

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Cartography Book Collection on DVD-ROM The Ultimate Collection of 200 Books This is the most complete collection on DVD ROM for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive ...
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 Cartography  Book Collection on DVD-ROM   The Ultimate Collection of    200  Books   This is the most complete collection on DVD ROM for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROM readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced , designed and packaged. This DVD contains 200 interesting books about Cartography. You will discover information on many topics such as Map, Scale, Legend, Topography, Compass, Projection, Grid, Survey, Cartographer, GIS (Geographic Information System) and many more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Cartography! Contents: A classical atlas, to illustrate ancient geography
(1857) - Findlay, A. G. - 168 pages Geological and topographical maps, their interpretation and use, a handbook for the geologist and civil engineer 
(1911) - Derryhouse, A. R. - 164 pages School atlas of classical geography 
(1870) - Johnstone, A. K. - 152 pages   Studies in carto-bibliography, British and French, and in the bibliography of itineraries and road-books 
(1914) - Fordham, H. G. - 206 pages   Two cartographers 
(1926) - Hermannsson, H. - 94 pages   Virginia cartography; a bibliographical description 
(1896) - Phillips, P. L. - 92 pages A booke called the treasure for traueilers
; deuided into fiue bookes or partes, contaynyng very necessary matters, for all sortes of trauailers, eyther by sea or by lande (1578) - Bourne, W. - 284 pages A collection of maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America, circa 1700-1725
, by Sr. Sanson, Guillieme de l'Isle, Peter Schenck, and others (1700) - Sanson, N. - 232 pages A comprehensive atlas geographical, historical & commercial
(1835) - Bradford, T. G. - 278 pages A description of early maps, originals and facsimiles (1452-1611)
being a part of the permanent wall exhibition of the American geographical society, with a partial list and brief references to the reproductions of others which may be consulted in the society's library (1921) - Stevenson, E L. - 126 pages A guide to historical cartography
; a selected, annotated list of references on the history of maps and map making (1960) - Ristow, W. W. - 38 pages  A hand-book of map drawing
; adopted especially to the maps in Mitchell's new series of school geographies (1869) - Keam, P. - 66 pages A history of ancient geography
(1897) - Tozer, H. F. - 436 pages A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans Vol.1
(1879) - Bunbury, E. H. - 724 pages A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans Vol.2
(1879) - Bunbury, E. H. - 792 pages A land form map of southern Alberta
(1966) - B ullock, M. A. - 346 pages A large world map dated 1569, sold at the sign of the Pyramid in Venice
(1933) - Beans, G. H. - 28 pages A list of atlases and maps applicable to the world war
(1918) - Phillips, P. L. - 220 pages A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress
(1901) - n.a. - 1150 pages A list of works relating to cartography 
(1901) - Phillips, P. L. - 104 pages A literary & historical atlas of Africa and Australasia 
(1913) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 240 pages A literary & historical atlas of America
(1911) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 256 pages A literary & historical atlas of Asia
(1912) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 252 pages A literary & historical atlas of Europe 
(1912) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 280 pages A manual of ancient geography
(1881) - Kiepert, H. - 336 pages A manual of geographical science, mathematical, physical, historical, and descriptive
(1852) - Nicolay, C. G. - 482 pages A new atlas of China; land, air and sea routes
(1941) - Rajchman, M. - 32 pages A new dictionary of ancient geography
, exhibiting the modern in addition to the ancient names of places (1803) - Pye, C. - 378 pages A new method with geography illustrating the use of the sketch-map
(1911) - Diebel, J. H. - 88 pages A school atlas of English history 
(1892) - Gardiner, S. R. - 174 pages A system of ancient and mediaeval geography; for the use of schools and colleges
(1850) - Anthon, C. - 798 pages A textbook on surveying and mapping
(1898) - n.a. - 513 pages A tricolor cartograph
(1968) - Kubitz, W. J. - 138 pages A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world, perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711 Vol.1
(1712) - Cooke, E. - 546 pages A voyage to the South Sea, and round the world, perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711 Vol.2 
(1712) - Cooke, E. - 400 pages An atlas of Ancient geography
(1841) - Butler, S. - 136 pages An atlas of classical geography 
(1856) - Hughes, W. - 174 pages An atlas of economic geography
(1914) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 176 pages An epitome of ancient geography 
(1818) - Mayo, R. - 494 pages An historical atlas of modern Europe from 1789-1914
, with an historical and explanatory text (1915) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 72 pages An Introduction Mapwork And Practical Geography
(1944) - Bygott, J. - 270 pages An Introduction to Cartography
(1914) - H. G. L. - 2 pages  An introduction to the study of ancient geography 
(1830) - Laurent, P. E. - 475 pages An unknown sixteenth century topography of Rome
(1908) - Ashby, T. - 38 pages Ancient geography of Asia
(1896) - Das, N. C. - 92 pages Annual address; the early history of cartography
, or what we know of maps and map-making before the time of Mercator (1879) - Daly, C. P. - 85 pages Archeological Atlas of Ohio
(1914) - Mills, W. C. - 206 pages Atlas accompanying Rev. C. A. Goodrich's outlines of modern geography
(1826) - Goodrich, C. A. - 18 pages Atlas antiquus; twelve maps of the ancient world for schools and colleges 
(1903) - Kiepert, H. - 59 pages Atlas designed to accompany the new hand-book of Bible geography 
(1868) - n.a. - 58 pages Atlas Of Ancient And Classical Geography
(1908) - Dent, J. M. - 77 pages Atlas Of Ancient Egypt
(1894) - n.a. - 60 pages Atlas of European history
(1909) - Dow, E. W. - 192 pages Atlas of the historical geography of the Holy Land 
(1915) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 180 pages Atlas of the historical geography of the United States
(1932) - Paullin, C. O. - 438 pages Atlas of zoogeography
; a series of maps illustrating the distribution of over seven hundred families, genera, and species of existing animals (1911) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 252 pages Beiträge zur deutschen Kartographie
(1921) - Praesent, H. - 172 pages Bibliography and cartography of Maryland 
(1897) - Mathews, E. B. - 184 pages Cartographic check-list
; an aid to achieving quality and completeness in the creation of mapping products (2003) - Meszaros, S. P. - 44 pages Cartographic users guide
(1984) - n.a. - 112 pages Cartography of Rhode Island
(1915) - Chapin, H. M. - 24 pages Cartography; Lambert projection tables for the United States 
(1918) - Adams, O. S. - 254 pages Catalogue of maps, plans and charts in the Map Room of the Dominion Archives
(1912) - Holmden, H. - 708 pages Check list of large scale maps published by foreign governments
(Great Britain excepted) in the Library of Congress (1904) - Phillips, P. L. - 124 pages Comparative cartography exemplified in an analytical & bibliographical description of nearly one hundred maps and charts of the American continent
published in Great Britain during the years 1600 to 1850 (1951) - Stevens, H. - 132 pages Compendium of ancient geography
(1810) - Anville, J. B. B. - 488 pages  Constable's hand atlas of India
; a new series of sixty maps and plans prepared from ordnance and other surveys (1893) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 382 pages Construction of maps in relief. Illustrated
(1887) - Harden, J. H. - 33 pages Course of ancient geography
(1860) - Schmidt, H. I. - 366 pages Daily weather map, with explanation
(1929) - n.a. - 10 pages Dante and the early astronomers
(1914) - Orr, M. A. - 570 pages Das geographische Mosaik von Madaba, die älteste Karte des Heiligen Landes
(1905) - Jacoby, A. - 132 pages Description and utilization of the Sanborn map
(1953) - n.a. - 20 pages Die kartenwissenschaft
; forschungen und grundlagen zu einer kartographie als wissenschaft (1921) - Eckert, M. - 668 pages Die Weltkarte des Castorius
; genannt die Peutingersche Tafel (1887) - Miller, K. - 140 pages Early maps of North America 
(1961) - Lunny, R. M. - 56 pages Elements of geography, modern and ancient with a modern and an ancient atlas
(1839) - Worcester, J. E. - 356 pages Elements of military sketching and map reading
(1917) - Barnes, J. B. - 150 pages Elements of physical and classical geography 
(1854) - Pillans, J. - 292 pages First steps in the physical and classical geography of the ancient world
(1882) - Pillans, J. - 108 pages General Cartography 
(1948) - Raisz, E. - 373 pages Geography by objective methods
(1893) - Kellogg, A. M. - 92 pages Geological and topographical maps
, their interpretation and use (1911) - Dwerryhouse, A. R. - 152 pages Ginn and Company's classical atlas
, in twenty three coloured maps, with complete index (1895) - Johnston, A. K. - 150 pages Glossaries of BLM surveying and mapping terms
(1980) - n.a. - 120 pages Handy reference atlas of the world
; with general index and geographical statistics (1904) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 438 pages Harper's atlas of American history
(1920) - Fox, D. R. - 192 pages Historical and geographical notes on the earliest discoveries in America, 1453-1530
(1869) - Stevens, H. - 80 pages Historical atlas of India, for the use of high schools, colleges and private students
(1907) - Joppen, C. - 44 pages Historical atlas, 3800 B.C. to 1900 A.D.
(1901) - Labberton, R. H. - 88 pages History of geography 
(1913) - Keltie, J. S. - 176 pages Jamaica cartography; chronological list of the maps of Jamaica in the Library
(1897) - Cundall, F. - 26 pages Kartenkunde geschichtlich dargestellt
(1909) - Gelcich, E. - 206 pages Lfextreme Orient dans la litterature et la cartographie de lfeccident des 13e, 14e et 15e Siecles
(1907) - Hallberg, I. - 590 pages Lessons in chalk modeling; the new method of map drawing
(1903) - Heffron, I. C. - 152 pages L'Europe l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amerique en plusieurs cartes, e n plusieurs cartes 
(1683) - Sanson, N. - 568 pages Lewis Evans, his map of the Middle British Colonies in America
(1905) - Stevens, H. N. - 68 pages List of conventional signs and abbreviations in use on French and German map
s (1918) - n.a. - 56 pages  Macmillan's historical atlas of modern Europe
(1920) - Hearnshaw, F. J. C. - 74 pages Map modeling in geography
; including the use of sand, clay putty, paper pulp, plaster of Paris, and other materials (1894) - Maltby, A. E. - 262 pages Map of the British Empire in America
(1746) - Popple, H. - 82 pages Map of the world by the Spanish cosmographer Alonzo de Santa Cruz, 1542
(1892) - Santa Cruz, A. - 66 pages Map of the world; 1542
(1892) - Santa Cruz, A. - 70 pages Map reading and panorama sketching
(1917) - n.a. - 196 pages Map reading and topographical sketching
(1918) - Stuart, E. R. - 164 pages Map reading for aviators
(1918) - Benson, C. B. - 72 pages Maps and map drawing 
(1890) - Elderton, W. A. - 144 pages Maps and map-making
; three lectures delivered under the auspices of the Royal geographical society (1910) - Reeves, E. A. - 178 pages Maps and survey
(1913) - Hinks, A. R. - 282 pages Maps and their makers
; an introduction to the history of cartography (1953) - Crone, G. R. - 190 pages Maps reproduced as glass transparencies, selected to represent the development of map-making from the first to the seventeenth century 
(1913) - Stevenson, E. L. - 64 pages Maps, their history, characteristics and uses
; a handbook for teachers (1921) - Fordham, H. G. - 120 pages Mediaeval geography
; an essay in illustration of the Hereford Mappa Mundi (1873) - Bevan, W. L. - 250 pages Mediæval researches from eastern Asiatic sources Vol.1
(1910) - Bretschneider, E. - 358 pages Mediæval researches from eastern Asiatic sources Vol.2 
(1910) - Bretschneider, E. - 374 pages Memoir of a map of Hindoostan 
(1793) - Rennell, J. - 650 pages Memoir of a map of Hindoostan; or The Mogul Empire
(1788) - Rennell, J. - 500 pages Memoir on a mappemonde by Leonardo da Vinci
, being the earliest map hitherto known containing the name of America ;now in the royal collection at Windsor (1865) - Major, R. H. - 53 pages Military map reading 
(1909) - Sherrill, C. O. - 75 pages Military sketching and map reading
(1917) - Grieves, L. C. - 132 pages Military sketching and map reading for non-commissioned officers
(1915) - Grieves, L. C. - 80 pages Military sketching and map reading for noncoms. & men 
(1918) - Legge, R. F. - 202 pages Military sketching made easy and military maps explained
(1915) - Hutchinson, H. D. - 414 pages Miniature atlas and gazetteer of the world
(1892) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 324 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.1 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 270 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.1 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 278 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.2 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 330 pages  Narrative and critical history of America Vol.2 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 364 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.3 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 328 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.3 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 308 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.4 Pt.1 
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 298 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.4 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 292 pages  Narrative and critical history of America Vol.5 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 386 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.5 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 314 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.6 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 388 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.6 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 426 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.7 Pt.1 
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 288 pages  Narrative and critical history of America Vol.7 Pt.2 
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 360 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.8 Pt.1
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 314 pages Narrative and critical history of America Vol.8 Pt.2
(1884) - Winsor, J. - 324 pages Nautical chart manual
; practical guidance for cartographers and engineers engaged in constructing and revising nautical charts emphasizing details of current practices as developed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey (1963) - Bruder, W. A. - 228 pages New general Atlas
(1861) - Mitchell, S. A. - 72 pages Notes on geological map-reading
(1920) - Harker, A. - 72 pages Notes on the making of plans and maps
(1937) - Chatham, E. - 481 pages Old maps and their makers considered from the historical & decorative standpoints
(1926) - Holman, L. A. - 72 pages Origin of the Strait of Anian concept
(1929) - Nunn, G. E. - 58 pages Over the Rockies'; the discovery & mapping of the Canadian West, 1700-1886
(1956) - MacDonald, A. E. - 26 pages Popular map reading 
(1928) - Laborde, E. D. - 144 pages Portolan charts; their origin and characteristics
, with a descriptive list of those belonging to the Hispanic society of America (1911) - Stevenson, E. L. - 130 pages Practical map exercises in medieval and modern European history
(1920) - Bishop, M. C. - 36 pages Remarks on the American universal geography
(1793) - Freeman, J. - 70 pages Suggested symbols for plans, maps, and charts
(1937) - n.a. - 64 pages The American geography
; or, a view of the present situation of the United States of America (1792) - Morse, J. - 576 pages The Bible atlas of maps and plans to illustrate the geography and topography of the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha
(1868) - Clark, S. - 154 pages The Book Of Ser Marco Polo Vol.1
(1926) - John, M. - 808 pages The Book Of Ser Marco Polo Vol.2
(1926) - John, M. - 734 pages The cartography of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from Cartier to Champlain
(1889) - Ganong, W. F. - 49 pages The citizen's atlas of the world
; containing 156 pages of maps and plans, with an index, a gazetteer, and geographical statistics (1912)- Bartholomew, J. G. - 394 pages The Cosmographiae introductio of Martin Waldseemüller in facsimile
(1907) - Waldseemüller, M. - 292 pages The development of the cartography of America up to the year 1570 
(1896) - Ruge, S. - 52 pages The discovery & mapping of the Great Lakes 'Sweet-Water', 1522-1703
(1954) - MacDonald, A. E. - 20 pages The discovery of North America
; a critical, documentary, and historic investigation, with an essay on the early cartography of the New world, including descriptions of two hundred and fifty maps or globes existing or lost, constructed before the year 1536 (1892) - Harrisse, H. - 908 pages The draughtsman's handbook of plan and map drawing
, including instructions for the preparation of engineering, architectural, and mechanical drawings (1874) - Andre, G. G. - 246 pages The face of the earth as seen from the air
(1922) - n.a. - 136 pages The first delineation of the New world and the first use of the name America on a printed map
(1928) - Stevens, H. N. - 158 pages The geographical conceptions of Columbus
; a critical consideration of four problems (1924) - Nunn, G. E. - 172 pages The Geography dictionary of Ancient and Medival India
(1899) - Lal Dey, N. - 203 pages The geography of Ptolemy elucidated 
(1893) - Rylands, T. G. - 178 pages The Graphic atlas and gazetteer of the world
(1892) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 420 pages The graphic atlas of the world
(1910) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 282 pages The half-crown atlas of British history
(1871) - Johnston, A. K. - 64 pages The handy reference atlas of the world
(1924) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 488 pages The handy touring atlas of the British Isles
; specially prepared for cyclists, motorists & travellers (1900) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 156 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.1
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 770 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.2
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 886 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.3
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 952 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.4
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 1170 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.5
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 1216 pages The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498-1909 Vol.6
(1915) - Stokes, I. N. - 820 pages The Kohl collection of maps relating to America
(1886) - Winsor, J. - 74 pages The Leardo map of the world, 1452 or 1453
; in the collections of the American geographical society (1928) - Wright, J. K. - 112 pages The library reference atlas of the world
(1890) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 566 pages The military map; elements of modern topography French school of war 
(1916) - Maxwell, G. - 152 pages The Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom
(1886) - White, T. P. - 224 pages The Oxford Advanced Atlas 
(1936) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 148 pages  The pocket atlas and gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada
(1890) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 453 pages The pocket atlas and guide to Paris
(1896) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 120 pages The royal atlas & gazetteer of Australasia
(1890) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 200 pages The slotted-templet method for controlling maps made from aerial photographs
(1940) - Kelsh, H. T. - 52 pages The story of London maps
(1908) - Gomme, G. L. - 118 pages  The study of geological maps
(1921) - Elles, G. L. - 100 pages The world mapped
; being a short history of attempts to map the world from antiquity to the twentieth century (1930) - Curnow, I. J. - 144 pages Topographic maps and sketch mapping
(1920) - Finch, J. K. - 204 pages Topographic surveying; including geographic, exploratory, and military mapping
, with hints on camping, emergency surgery, and photography (1905) - Wilson, H. M. - 99 pages West Florida and its relation to the historical cartography of the United States 
(1898) - Chambers, H. E. - 76 pages Wie sind geologische Karten und Profile zu verstehen und praktisch zu verwerten
(1916) - Schöndorf, F. - 98 pages Willem Janszoon Blaeu, 1571-1638
; a sketch of his life and work, with an especial reference to his large world map of 1605 (1914) - Stevenson, E. L. - 90 pages  World atlas of Christian missions 
(1911) - Bartholomew, J. G. - 320 pages World map of Francesco Roselli
(1928) - Nunn, G. E. - 62 pages Wyld's Scripture atlas
(1834) - Wyld, J. - 120 pages     Here are a few images from the collection:   Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office.   This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.
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